Looking for Causes of the Gubeng Ambles Road Surabaya City Government Appoints the Expert Team

pojok id. Surabaya - After reviewing the location of the ambush on Jalan Gubeng for more than an hour and continued to meet with the Siloam Hospital, the Surabaya City Government had not yet made any decision. This was taken because the city administration had appointed a team that would examine the incident on Jalan Gubeng.

"We decided not to take any decisions because we had appointed a team of experts to carry out the research at the scene with the police team for the police. Yes, we decided the conclusion later," said Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Wisnu Sakti Buana, after meeting with representatives Wednesday / 2018)

Asked whether Siloam Hospital would be responsible for the incident? Wisnu said to be patient to wait for conclusions what the exact cause was.

"Siloam certainly does not take any stand because it waits for the conclusion. Siloam's decision will await the results of the regional police," continued the man who was also the chairman of the PDIP Surabaya DPC.

Wisnu said, the collapse of Jalan Gubeng incident would also have no effect on project activities, namely by stopping all activities.

"The project was stopped waiting until it was finished," Wisnu said.

Meanwhile the ITS geotechnical expert Indraaurya Muchtar who accompanied Wisnu during the inspection to the location said that the repair of Gubeng Road which collapsed should not drag on. Because it is public access for the community.

"You can't take a month at the longest. There hasn't been any analysis, just looking in the field," Indra said.

For suspicion while Jalan Gubeng collapsed, he mentioned that the construction of the Siloam Hospital basement did have construction errors and collapsed land contours.

"Is there an error in the construction or contour of the land. Both of them," said Indra briefly.


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